In article <op.suvscia021xk10@bobdello>,
<ceed@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqr stuvwxyzabcdefghijk.c
om> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been using my Brinkmann Smoke n Grill for quite a while with great
> success. I've done some minor tweaks like drilling holes in the fuel pan
> and I am now doing 14 hours with relatively stable temperature. However, I
> just found that I can get a WSM for around $150 at a local outlet.
Darned good price! Wish I could take advantage of it. :/
> Is stepping up to this higher end bullet worth it? I now feel I know
> my Brinkmann. Would I have to go through a lot of noob failures
> again with the WSM, or are they somewhat similar in the way they
> work?
I understand where you're coming from, Ceed. I've reached a point where
I feel like I can do anything with my ECB (within reason, of course),
but I tell ya what...
I look forward to the day when I can set up a WSM for an overnight cook
and *not* have to set the alarm clock for some ungodly hour of the
morning just to get up to tend the fire!
> My wife always says "don't mess with success". I am afraid of doing so in
> this case. Maybe I should wait until I can do an even more substantial
> upgrade to, let's say, ceramic?
That's a pretty big jump, price-wise, isn't it? I'd go for the WSM,
myself. That way you can enjoy the benefits of it until the time comes
when you *can* justify/afford to upgrade to ceramic. As for "don't mess
with success", I say use your success - and the knowledge you've gained
- with your ECB to take you to the next step! Should be a no-brainer!
Stan Marks
A waist is a terrible thing to mind.