While this isn't technically about winemaking, all of us have to store and
age our wine, at one time or another, so I figured this question would still
be appropriate here.
I was wondering what all must be addressed in building yourself a wine
cellar. Not talking about the choosing of wines, or where to purchase them,
or anything like that, but the actual cellar itself. What concerns must be
addressed in regards to temperature, humidity, etc.
One specific question right now is as to why it must have a controlled
higher humidity? Is this just to keep the corks moist, or is there some
other reason too? Also, how does using synthetic corks change these needs?
Any input on this subject, or pointing me to proper place to look, would be
greatly appreciated. Didn't notice anything on wine storage in all the old
messages I'd read back through, so have some hesitation about posting this
here, but at the worst, you just tell me to shut up and go somewhere else
with this question, which is fine.
Thanks in advance for your help