Quickly before the sugar starts to turn to starch!!!!! After that starts
happening nothing will help. Remove the silk but leave the husk soak them
in salt water for a couple of hours pull the husk back over the ear and but
them on the grill for 20 minutes check to see if they are done. Sevre with
melt butter that yopu can leave plain, add some chopped basil or oregano.
"Jude H.Cormier" > wrote in message
> Hi!
> A neighbor gave me some of his fresh corn he grew in the garden, but I'm
> quite sure how long it needs to be cooked.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks
> Jude
> --
> "Keep Your Chin Up, Tiger!"--dedicated to the memory of Staff Sgt.
> SethTrahan, Charlie Company, 256th Brigade Combat Team, Louisiana
> NationalGuard, killed in action February 19th, 2005.Seth's Tribute page
> http://community-2.webtv.net/RainbowValley/seth/