Thread: A tael of puerh
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Mike Petro
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Space Cowboy wrote:
> Since everyone is on a roll now one store in
> Chinatown has the qizi bundles lined up like bowling balls on a bottom
> shelf. Why the seemingly popular of shipment in seven pieces?

Well for one thing thats the way it is packaged at the factories, qizi
are the defacto standard, boxs are the exception. There are 7 cakes to
a qizi and 6 qizi to a case. Usually the loose ones you see in a store,
that are not individually boxed, were originally in these qizi packages
and simply unwrapped before going on the shelf. They also ship much
better in the qizi with less damage to the flimsy paper wrappers.

> How do you drank all of a 1000 tael buttery flavored black tea
> log?

I didnt drink the whole thing, I only got a portion of one from David
Hoffman. His price was much much higher than Scott's. I have a picture
of a girl standing next to a 1000 tael log and looking down into it.
The log is about the diameter of her neck and is as tall as her

I have bought several of the different 100 tael and 50 tael ones from
Scott and this one was quite different. Here are two Japanese links
that clearly show the type of 1000 tael log I am talking about made
from black tea.
