Sorry - my wife was overcome with a desire to clean out our breezeway, and
the box is gone.
"DPM" > wrote in message news:ac8Ie.12613$Bx5.3210@trnddc09...
> Jim,
> I didn't at the time, but I'll check tonight to see if I saved the box.
> Dean
> "Space Cowboy" > wrote in message
> oups.com...
> > I'm curious did you notice the Yuan price of the postage? In this case
> > you would be paying for 32y. In two weeks I guess it came by air. My
> > SAL kilo price from Kunming is $15 which reflects the actual postage.
> > I've gotten a kilo shipment from a vendor on a China port for $10.
> > There is no reason a China vendor couldn't charge for actual postage
> > but like the US there is usually a minimum.
> >
> > Jim
> >
> > DPM wrote:
> > > I ordered from Teaspring a month or two ago. They advertise US$3.80
> > > shipping, and I got my tea (200 grams) in under two weeks direct from
> China
> > > (the box was covered with PRC postage). Did I just get lucky, or does
> > > Teaspring know something others don't?
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > > Dean
> >