I think the Winexpert White Zin kits tend to run darker. I've got a batch
in the carboy right now, (the 15L selection kit), and it's really dark, but
when bottled, it lightens up quite a bit. But, it's probably the darkest
White Zin I've ever seen.
With regard to the Island Mist kit, to make it more like a traditional wine,
you can chapitalize (add sugar) to bring the SG up to about 1.090. To do
this, you would add 5 lbs of sugar to the must before or during fermenation.
This will boost the alcohol level to about 12%. I've heard this doesn't
alter the balance too much, but it still tastes the same as the wine
cooler/picnic beverage that was intended, but with the higher alcohol
"Joel Sprague" > wrote in message
> Ok, this will probalby be the first(well, second, I guess) of many
> questions
> from me in here.
> Anyway, this saturday I started an Island Mist Exotic Fruits White
> Zinfandel
> kit. For those who don't know, this is a pretty standard 7.5L/6 gallon
> kit,
> which has two juice packets, the main packet is just supposed to be white
> zinfandel, and the second packet is, I guess, the "exotic fruits" part.
> Anyway, I've noticed that the juice from the White zinfandel packet is
> noticably red/dark. It's nothing like the Merlot kit I will be bottling
> this, but it's definiteiliy not near what a finished White Zinfandel kit
> looks like.