On Tue, 02 Aug 2005 02:41:23 GMT, The Naked Whiz
> wrote:
>On Mon, 01 Aug 2005 12:03:23 -0400, "mikehende" >
>>I was wondering if people barbecue in the winter? If so, what do I need to
>>know about this please? For example, is this a good idea in the first
>>place? Will the coals light when the temperature is below a certain degree
>>e.t.c? Thanks.
>Many folks barbecue in the winter. Some insulate their cookers with
>hot water heater blankets or shield their cookers from the wind.
>Another option is to use a ceramic cooker like a Big Green Egg, Primo,
>Kamado, Grill Dome. They are pretty much immune to the cold.
>Charcoal will light at any reasonable temperature.
>www.lump-charcoal.com (The Lump Charcoal Database)
>www.nakedwhiz.com/ceramic.htm (Ceramic Charcoal Cooking)
Carefull, Naked. They need to be shut down very carefully in below
freezing Weather. It's just about worth it to leave them running
until the fuel is totally gone. I've begun to do that. Prevents
condensation and icing up when you go to choke off the coals.