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"Pandora" > wrote in message
> "Ophelia" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> .uk...
>> "Pandora" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> "Ophelia" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>> k...
>>>>2 eggs
>>>> 4oz plain flour
>>>> pinch salt
>>>> milk
>>>> lard
>>>> put one egg into a half pint mug and fill up to the top with milk
>>>> whisk with the other egg into the flour and salt until smooth
>>>> Now (Very important) allow to stand for minimum one hour. Longer
>>>> if possible.
>>>> Have the oven ready to be very hot
>>>> put the tin onto the fire and when the fat is sizzling pour in the
>>>> batter
>>>> Put into the hot oven
>>>> after the pudding has risen turn down the heat and continue to
>>>> cook until ready
>>> When they are ready? How much time after they risen. What color must
>>> they have?

>> Ok if you make a big one ie 28cm x 18cm it will be 25-30 minutes at
>> 220c Once it is risen and crunchy it is ready. It must be a deep
>> golden colour

> Thank you Ophelia, I will make this week end. Then I tell you.

If you find that the pudding, when risen, begins to get dark turn down
the heat. Many ovens are different. In my oven I cook it for 10
minutes at 220c and then turn down to 180c for the remainder of the