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  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
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>>>> I expect you know that you need very good gravy to serve with it
>>> This is another thing that I don't understand. Is gravy a sort of meat
>>> sauce?
>>> If yes, how do you eat? Do you put it over the puddings?

>> Yes Yes I suppose you can call it a meat sauce

> Oh! So I can call "Ragł"
> Pandora

No Pandora, ragu is sauce with meat in it (at least that's what my mother
says)...gravy is often made using the juices left in the bottom of the
roasting pan when you have cooked a roast meat, you drain off some of the
fat, add flour to make a roux and scrape up all the yummy bits in the pan,
then add liquid (water, stock, whatever) to make the gravy