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"MG" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> snipped
> ">>>>
>>>>> I expect you know that you need very good gravy to serve with it
>>>> This is another thing that I don't understand. Is gravy a sort of meat
>>>> sauce?
>>>> If yes, how do you eat? Do you put it over the puddings?
>>> Yes Yes I suppose you can call it a meat sauce

>> Oh! So I can call "Ragł"
>> Pandora

> No Pandora, ragu is sauce with meat in it (at least that's what my mother
> says)...gravy is often made using the juices left in the bottom of the
> roasting pan when you have cooked a roast meat, you drain off some of the
> fat, add flour to make a roux and scrape up all the yummy bits in the pan,
> then add liquid (water, stock, whatever) to make the gravy
> Regards
> Maria

Ohhhhh! I understand, now, Maria! Thank you.
You have an Italian name, is your mother italian?
