In Richard > wrote:
> wrote in message >...
>> In Richard > wrote:
>> > Why doesn't Soros go back the Greece and practice sodomy?
>> Why would Soros go back to Greece? He's been a United States resident
>> since 1956. Not to mention the fact that Soros was born in Hungary, not
>> Greece. If Soros wants to use his money to get the word out about how
>> bad George Bush is, that's none of your business.
> Aren't the @#%@#@# Liberals always crying about how people with
> money can get things done politically that people without can't
> and how unfair it all is?
The conservatives seem to cry a lot about that too when someone
who's wealthy works against them. I heard lots of conservatives
crying that Jon Corzine bought his Senate seat. Corzine, for those
of you who don't know, is a first term Democratic Senator from
New Jersey who funded his own campaign and is probably among the
most wealthy people in the Senate, if not THE most wealthy. He
made is money working on Wall Street and as head of Goldman Saches.
In the New Jersey paper I read, hardly a day went by where some
bleedy heart conservative wasn't crying about how Corzine was
trying to buy a Senate seat. Even Corzine's opponent in the
election complained about that. Boo hoo!