White Trash Cooking
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White Trash Cooking
On 02 Feb 2004 13:39:05 GMT,
(BKaplan104) wrote:
>It's a branding of people as "trash" simply
>because they're so poor they have to re-
>sort to living in trailers (which are neces-
>sarily rather cramped quarters), rather than
>houses which they obviously can't afford...
Don't think so. "Trailer trash" is a similar phrase, and probably not
used by people who know of rather pricey communities of "modular
homes" that are run like condos with hefty initial investments and
maintenance fees for the golf courses and fitness center.
These 'trash' designations have more to do with snobbery (NOTan
American patent) and perceived low tastes. Cheese Whiz is low; brie is
high. Boxwood hedge is high; lawn flamingos are low. A rusted pickup
with a gun rack is low: a Land Rover with a gun rack is high. One can
be poor and cool, or wealthy and 'trash.'
'Redneck' has gained some marginal toleration because of comedian Jeff
Foxworthy satirizing notable features of 'low' life -- "you know
you're a redneck when..."
The terms *are* unkind, and I suppose the best counter-measure would
be to challange people using them to explain exactly what they meant.
Should provide an interesting conversation...
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