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Cindy Fuller
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Default Vietnamese dinner

The other donation I made to the church's service auction back in
November beside the holiday breads was a Vietnamese dinner for 6 people
(plus the SO and me) at our house. Two couples backed out, so we were
left with one couple. I invited one of my cronies from the congregation
who loves Vietnamese food. The original menu of bun bo Hue was altered
after the mad cow was discovered in Washington, so I came up with the
following substitute menu:

fresh spring rolls
hot and sour shrimp soup
caramel pork
cucumber salad
vanilla and ginger ice cream

The couple brought along their finicky 7-year-old daughter and food to
feed her. She did choke down some rice and (no surprise) ice cream.
The meal was well received. I forgot to put the cucumber salad on the
table, but nobody missed it. The ginger ice cream was an accidental
find and a good finale to the meal.

The cats provided entertainment for the child and adults alike. The
conversation was lively. I may do a similar thing next year.


C.J. Fuller

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