Ellen, I'll bet there are more pressure cooking recipes online that you can
shake a stick at. Give that a try, too.
"SBarbour" > wrote in message
> Hi Ellen,
> I highly recommend a cookbook called "Pressure Cooking for Everyone".
> There
> are several recipes I make routinely, my favorite of which is the Pork and
> Butternet Squash Stew. Yum! I can't remember the author's name, but I'm
> sure I'm giving you the correct the name of the book.
> Happy cooking!
> Sharon
> "Ellen" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Just wanted to thank everyone who wrote so knowledgeably about pressure
>> cookers. I have wanted one for a long time and finally took the plunge
>> and
>> just got the Kuhn Rikon 5 qt. Made a pot roast in it today. wow! that was
>> fast -- and good! I sort of followed the recipe in the little cookbook
> that
>> came with it for barbque pot roast but I added carrots and potatoes after
> an
>> hour and then cooked it another 6 minutes or so. Yum And I was real
> excited
>> that I didn't blow up the kitchen :-)
>> I noticed that I did have to adjust the flame slightly every so often
> during
>> the hour cooking time to maintain the pressure but considering the whole
>> thing took not quite 1 1/2 hours from "take meat out of fridge and look
> for
>> spices" to turn off the flame, I certainly can't complain :-)
>> I think it's time for a trip to the local bookstore to look for a couple
> of
>> cookbooks ....
>> Ellen