Agreed that its declining but isn't that what happens when there is
competition on price side primarily.
I don't think France has the issues with Top Classified wines have decline
of share. Its with the lower end stuff and much of that does show the grape
It marketing and price that is the key issue not the front label. I am not
opposed to rear label that is informative as to cepage just not the front
Yes tradition means a lot.
> wrote in message
> Richard Neidich > wrote:
> [snip]
>> Lets face some reality that geography matters and if you don't know
>> Margaux
>> characteristics your not likely to spend the money anyway. Why change a
>> label of tradition simply due to ignorance?
>> sorry
> Considering that the worldwide market for French wine is declining, and
> the average age of consumers of high end French wines are going up, I'm
> sure French viniters are taking note, probably with alarm. If they
> feel like alienating younger drinkers, eventually, they will have no
> market. The smarter ones will realize that marketing is more important
> than snobbery (and tradition). I guarantee this attitude will not be
> forever.
> --
> Kevin
> Do you really need to email to reply? Just post it!
> Otherwise: 'ah' underscore 'chang' at sign hotmail period com