In article >,
Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
> The potential problem may still exist if whatever combination of
> ingredients one has are simply incompatible to make anything out of.
> Rediculous, of course, but what if I only had a flank steak, confectioner's
> sugar, and dry macaroni? :-) Sometimes one asks the impossible.
Difficult perhaps but hardly impossible:
Flank Steak Alfredo
1.5 lb flank steak
1 packet beefy onion soup* (see note)
1 cup confectioners sugar
1/4 lb macaroni
Preheat oven to 350 deg.
Sear steak in iron skillet, wrap in foil and bake for 1 to 3 hours.
Meanwhile prepare macaroni according to package directions. Make icing
using the confectioners sugar.
To assemble place macaroni in serving dish, sprinkle dry onion soup mix
on the macaroni, put the steak on top and apply icing.
* Note: this is best with onion soup, but is also pretty good without it.
Dave W. (who intends to lay low for a couple of days till this blows
Living in the Ozarks
For email, edu will do.
Regardless of what doesn't happen, there's always someone who knew it wouldn't.
R. Henry