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Default Pressure COOKERS and canning

I have a Magefesa Rapid II Super Pressure Cooker that I enjoy for
cooking. And I have some low acid vegetables from my garden that I'd
like to can. I'll probably only put up a 1-2 dozen pints a year (small
garden). So I'm not anxious to shell out a lot of money for a 20+
quart pressure canner if I can get by with the cooker *with reasonable
risk*. Plus my kitchen space is at a premium.

My Magefesa manual doesn't have any instruction for canning. However,
it doesn't explicitly say not to use it for this purpose. I can
definitely reach the recommended pressure. So in my mind that just
leaves the "coming up" and "going down" times. If I didn't use the
quick-release feature, I'm wondering whether it would be "sufficiently

What do you think?