"Richard Neidich" > wrote:
> I cannot really speak for Europe on this but in the USA the
> marjority of purchases are planned before the consumer walks
> into the supermarket. Less than 30% of total purhcases are
> impulse.
Maybe this is true for the totality of purchases, but certainly
not for wine purchases. In Europe there are some specialized win
shops (enoteca, caviste etc.), but the lion's share of wine
(well over 60%) is sold in supermarkets.
Once again: It's the producers' and botlers' wish to market "Le
Sauvignon du Baron Philippe AOC Bordeaux", because of the roaring
success of sauvignon, merlot, syrah & co. from Chile, Australia.
It's totally childish, imnsho, not to let them label their wine
the way they want.
But I guess I am repeating myself.