I want to try making Pierogi for someone
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Wayne Boatwright
Posts: n/a
I want to try making Pierogi for someone
owza (Jarkat2002) wrote in
>>>>Can you refresh my memory? What was the name of the pierogi
>>>>restaurant on Ridge Road in Parma (not far from Snow Road)?
>>> Sorry Wayne .. I'm not sure .. but I'll look tomorrow as I drive by.
>>> I'm in that area most every day.
>>> ~Kat
>>Thanks, Kat. BTW, I like your sig.
> Hi Wayne. I drove by this morning ... didn't see it. Is it the one
> that President Clinton went to? If it is .. they went out of business
> a few years ago.
Yes, the same. Sorry to know that it's no longer there. We had lived
most recently in North Ridgeville, but I grew up in Parma. When that
place opened we used to drive over occasionally for a plateful. <G>
Since we're now in AZ I tend to lose track of the comings and goings in
the Cleveland area, although my SO still has family there.
> Thanks about the siggy. I'm a huge Plath fan
are you? I would
> love to find an all Plath NG ... but still looking
Yes, I am too. I first became aware of her work when I read _The Bell
Jar_ many years ago. I have collected bits and pieces of her poetry, but
certainly only a fraction. I often choose cards which quote her lines.
There are a few creditable websites about her and modern American poetry,
but I've never seen a NG.
Take care...
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