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On Fri, 12 Aug 2005 00:07:16 GMT, Jeff

>Sorry to hear about your disappointing stove. Along with a good set of
>cookware, I think it's the most important appliance in the home. I had
>better fortune with my Whirlpool. I had heard that KitchenAid/Whirlpool
>(same company-- KitchenAid is the premium line) was the best, and was
>fortunate enough to find a company "scratch and ding" outlet store. I
>spent half a day there looking at stoves, but it was time well spent.
>The one I got has a high output "power" burner, two regular ones, and a
>small simmer burner. It turned out to be the right choice.

I have a similar stove, a GE, that I just love. At the time I was
shopping (in 2003), I was mentally open to the idea of forking over
big bux for a Profile or something similarly high end (no, not enough
for a Viking or anything THAT expensive), but after investigating and
considering all the options, I bought the JGBP33BEH2BB (black) because
it had the 5,000 btu simmer burner, the two regular 9,500 btu burners,
and the 13,000 btu high output burner, meeting my needs perfectly,
plus I didn't spend extra for the unwanted/unneeded warming drawer,
using that space instead for my pot lids. The GE website price for
this stand-alone stove/oven unit was something like $849, and I was
able to purchase it for $629, money very well spent. This appliance
also has a broiler with a high and a low setting, extremely useful, in
addition to the cool computer system that starts and shuts off the
oven, etc., etc.