"Jeff" > wrote in message
> As seen from rec.food.equipment, on
> Now, how do you expect to look professional and impress your friends if
> you're going to let your cookbooks get dusty? You've never seen a
> lawyer let those (fake) law books that are always on floor-to-ceiling
> shelves right behind the big desk get dusty, have you? You can't afford
> to, either!
hahaha --- you can always tell the cookbooks and recipies I use - they are
always full of splatters and fingerprints :-)
> Sauces (tomato or -?) and/or broth (chicken is nice) mixed in with the
> ground meat give it flavor and keep it from drying out in the oven.
> Eggs mixed in serve as a binder and produce a smoother texture, but
> they won't absorb all the moisture from the sauces. The usual trick is
> to put in rice or bread crumbs. On one occasion I was feeling
> experimental, and put in some diced potatoes instead. They came out
> light and fluffy, the meat kept them from drying out, and they absorbed
> all that flavor. Mmmmmmmmmmm...
I have done that with tomato sauce and I think I will try the potato instead
of the bread crumbs next time I make meatloaf
> > Unfortunately I have this wretched thermadore stove (talk
> >about a big mistake in stove purchases) and two of the burners are
> >gas burners and the other two have this "turn on/turn off" feature for
> >settings which took me about 2 days to learn to hate.
> Is it one of those "burner with a brain" thingies that supposedly
> senses the temperature of your cookware and adjusts itself accordingly?
No it is one of those incredibly annoying burners that turns on and off at
intervals and when it is ready to turn on then it sparks a bunch of times
before it does.
> Sorry to hear about your disappointing stove. Along with a good set of
> cookware, I think it's the most important appliance in the home. I had
> better fortune with my Whirlpool. I had heard that KitchenAid/Whirlpool
> (same company-- KitchenAid is the premium line) was the best, and was
> fortunate enough to find a company "scratch and ding" outlet store. I
> spent half a day there looking at stoves, but it was time well spent.
> The one I got has a high output "power" burner, two regular ones, and a
> small simmer burner. It turned out to be the right choice.
Yeah it was a case of label envy plus not enough asking around plus the
contractor suddenly being ready to do the kitchen. And also overwheming
excitement at finally getting back to gas burners instead of electric
befuddled my few brain cells. But based on my experience with the expensive
Thermadore, the next time I will spend less and probably have about the same
end result in satisfaction :-)