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Ronny TX
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Whole Wheat Sourdough Pita Bread
Group: Date: Mon, Aug 1, 2005, 10:15pm From:
Here is a recipe that I modified to use up the left-over starter from
bread making. =A0 The recipe is a modified version of the Sourdough Pita
Bread from Randy's Vegetarian Cookbook,
Whole Wheat Sourdough Pita Bread
1 cup whole wheat sourdough starter
=BD cup filtered water (chlorine in tap water can stop the starter!)
1 tsp honey
1 tsp salt
2 cups whole wheat flour
1 cup additional whole wheat flour (approximately
Mix whole wheat starter with the next 4 ingredients, mixing/kneading
well. Cover and let rise until doubled.
Add additional flour. Knead well. Divide dough into six equal parts.
Form each into a smooth round ball. Roll each ball to less than 1/4 inch
thickness. Place on a non-stick surface, cover and let and let rise for
about an hour. (I cover them loosely with plastic wrap and then with a
light tea towel. Be careful because they dry out very easily.)
Preheat an oven with a baking stone or lined with quarry tiles to 475
degree f. Slide the pitas directly onto the tiles and bake for about 6
to10 minutes, or until puffed and just starting to brown. Remove and
cool on a wire rack.

It's been awhile since I've read in this group or made sourdough
bread;but then a lady in another group I read in has recently been
talking about making whole wheat bread and that reminded me of this
group! Glad I came over here today. :-)

I started my sourdough starter a little over 3 hours ago using that
recipe on Randy's page that you posted a link to. Used whole wheat like
you did. One problem. Randy's recipe said to use a 6 cup container to
start the starter in. What I used was an old but clean 10 cup glass
coffee pot. Put everything in by the recipe, covered it all with a clean
dish towel and set it in a 90+ degree room. Came back about an hour
later and the starter had risen and bubbled to the top of that 10 cup
container and was threatening to go on over! LoL {I just don't
understand sourdough starter recipes that say it could take 5 to 10 days
until things get bubbly!:-)} So took a cup of starter out and started
your whole wheat bread recipe. Using half white and half whole wheat for
my first try. And am now letting the dough rise. Have it in a big glass
bowl,covered with a clean cuptowel and in a back room that is now about
95=B0. :-) Will have to wait and see how long it will take to double?

I'm thinking I got in too big of a rush though? And really should of let
my sourdough starter ferment for a day or two before I used it? Wouldn't
I have gotten a better sourdough flavor in my bread if I had of?

Thank you again for posting your recipe and the link to Randy's webpage.