"pennyaline" <nsmitchell@spamspamspamspamspamspamspameggandspam .com> wrote
in message ...
> zxcvbob wrote:
>> Who is this Sandra Lee anyway? I've never heard of her anywhere but in
>> this newsgroup. I quit watching Food Network a couple of years ago when
>> it morphed into Emeril TV.
> It's Rachael Ray TV, now. While her image was still perky but smart and
> tame, she is now loud and flighty, braying like Paula Deen, and appearing
> everywhere. She has three shows at last count. That would have been
> wonderful back when she was enjoyable to watch and listen to. Now she's
> intolerably shrill.
> <and talk about talks with the hands... oy!>
I used to watch Rachel -- now it's impossible for me to do so. I like the
program presentation; i.e., meals in 30 minutes, but she's gone over the top
for me in her giddiness and giggliness.
Dee Dee