Thread: Yixing Tea Pog
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My understanding is that to season it you simply infuse some of the tea
you want to use it for about 24 hours. The rest is taken care of simply
through regular use.
As to what teas to use, I think it depends on how much of a purist you
are. Certainly teas with a very intense or unique aroma are likely to
leave their mark if you use them before lighter teas. For this reason,
if you intend to use it for cooked (black), heavily aged pu-erh, or any
other tea with a strong, distinct aroma, I'd probably stick with that.
As far as I know, the Chinese use Yixing pots mostly for oolongs and
pu-erhs, though evidently they will use them for dragon well (long

Otherwise, before you use a different vintage of tea in youe yixing,
make sure to try it before in a gaiwan to get a sense of how it'll jive
with what you've been using. The idea of a seasoned Yixing pot is to
capture the aroma of a tea within the clay, so as to enhance the flavor
and aroma of the tea. Just keep that in mind and you should be fine.