Beach Runner > spewed incessantly:
> Can't you read?
> Dominion. Look it up. Care for. Control.
You look it up, because your Ivy League definition above is wrong...
2 : supreme authority : SOVEREIGNTY
3 plural : an order of angels -- see CELESTIAL HIERARCHY
4 often capitalized : a self-governing nation of the Commonwealth of Nations
other than the United Kingdom that acknowledges the British monarch as chief
of state
5 : absolute ownership
Main Entry: doˇmain
Pronunciation: dO-'mAn, d&-
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English domayne, from Middle French domaine, demaine, from
Latin dominium, from dominus
1 a : complete and absolute ownership of land -- compare EMINENT DOMAIN b :
land so owned
2 : a territory over which dominion is exercised
3 : a region distinctively marked by some physical feature <the domain of
rushing streams, tall trees, and lakes>
4 : a sphere of knowledge, influence, or activity <the domain of art>
5 : the set of elements to which a mathematical or logical variable is
limited; specifically : the set on which a function is defined
6 : any of the small randomly oriented regions of uniform magnetization in a
ferromagnetic substance
8 : the highest taxonomic category in biological classification ranking
above the kingdom
Main Entry: sovˇerˇeignˇty
Variant(s): also sovˇranˇty /-tE/
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ties
Etymology: Middle English soverainte, from Middle French soveraineté, from
Old French, from soverain
1 obsolete : supreme excellence or an example of it
2 a : supreme power especially over a body politic b : freedom from external
control : AUTONOMY c : controlling influence
3 : one that is sovereign; especially : an autonomous state