It Is Finished
Here's what I'll haul to the Fairgrounds on Monday for
exhibit/competition at the Great Minnesota Get-Together:
Apricot Butter
Apricot Jam
Blackberry Jam
Cherry Jam
Nectarine Jam
Peach Jam
Raspberry Jam
Strawberry Jam
Cherry Amaretto Jam
Blackberry Jelly
Grape Jelly
Mint Jelly
Plum Jelly
Raspberry Jelly
Peach Cherry Jelly
Breat & Butter Pickles
Peach Chutney
Cherry Chipotle Barbecue Sauce
Corn Relish
Dill Pickle Relish
I feel elated that I've got those figured out. The Mint Jelly won't win
much, if anything, because it's not as pretty as it should be but,
doggone it, it tastes terrific! The rest, as always, is a crapshoot.
Who knows! The barbecue sauce is mighty fine! The B&B's are killer!
The Cherry Amaretto Jam is fabulous. The Nectarine Jam is very tasty
but looser than I'd like. The Cherry Jam and Jelly are wonderful! The
Apricot Butter is awesome. The Plum Jelly is quite beautiful. The
Chutney is yummy. I've never made Pickle Relish, so what do I know?
-Barb, <> 8/3/05 New York-Vermont tab (a
couple pictures added to the 7/29 note on 8/5)