On Sun, 14 Aug 2005 20:31:14 -0500, Dave Bugg > wrote:
> This has to be one of the biggest myths in cooking, and demonstrates the
> lack of scientific knowledge and the tight embrace of old wives tales by
> many purported "experts" : To wit, you can add moisture to meat during
> the
> cooking process. External heat during the cooking process creates a high
> internal pressure which drives moisture out of the intracellular spaces
> of a
> tissue, like muscle. So how the heck does adding a beer can of water, or
> a
> pan of water, or a tub of water create enough opposite pressure to drive
> water back INTO those spaces. Answer: IT CAN'T. I wish mythbusters
> would
> do a BBQ special on busting these kind of cook-foolery old-wives tales.
So what you are saying is that the whole "water smoker" concept is a scam
of sorts? The bullet smokers all have pans you are supposed to fill with
water or some other liquid to keep the meat moist. But you are saying the
only thing the pan does is keeping the meat from getting direct heat?
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