"Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> Here's what I'll haul to the Fairgrounds on Monday for
> exhibit/competition at the Great Minnesota Get-Together:
> Apricot Butter
> Apricot Jam
> Blackberry Jam
> Cherry Jam
> Nectarine Jam
> Peach Jam
> Raspberry Jam
> Strawberry Jam
> Cherry Amaretto Jam
> Blackberry Jelly
> Grape Jelly
> Mint Jelly
> Plum Jelly
> Raspberry Jelly
> Peach Cherry Jelly
> Breat & Butter Pickles
> Peach Chutney
> Cherry Chipotle Barbecue Sauce
> Corn Relish
> Dill Pickle Relish
> I feel elated that I've got those figured out. The Mint Jelly won't win
> much, if anything, because it's not as pretty as it should be but,
> doggone it, it tastes terrific! The rest, as always, is a crapshoot.
> Who knows! The barbecue sauce is mighty fine! The B&B's are killer!
> The Cherry Amaretto Jam is fabulous. The Nectarine Jam is very tasty
> but looser than I'd like. The Cherry Jam and Jelly are wonderful! The
> Apricot Butter is awesome. The Plum Jelly is quite beautiful. The
> Chutney is yummy. I've never made Pickle Relish, so what do I know?
> IWuzJammin'!
> --
> -Barb, <http://www.jamlady.eboard.com> 8/3/05 New York-Vermont tab (a
> couple pictures added to the 7/29 note on 8/5)
Whew! What a list - kick back and have a well deserved glass of wine.