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Christine Dabney
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On Mon, 15 Aug 2005 14:12:18 -0700, "TammyM" >

>"Christine Dabney" > wrote in message
.. .
>> On Mon, 15 Aug 2005 09:47:27 -0700, "TammyM" >
>> wrote:
>> >TammyM, overrun with cookbooks and STUFF
>> >

>> Are you getting rid of any cookbooks?
>> Christine, who surely doesn't need another cookbook, but can't resist
>> most times...

>I probably will get rid of some. One or two. One. Maybe :-) No
>seriously, I need to take a good hard look and decide what to keep. If I
>decide to get rid of many of them, I just may have a cook-in and see that
>rfc cooks get the first crack at em. Having said that, I just got 4 new
>cookbooks in the last month. Does this really sound like someone who's
>intent upon paring down her collection???!!! :->

I can't get rid of any... I go into withdrawal even thinking about
it. I carry about 250 around with me on my travels..and I just bought
some more myself.
Now I have to decide which ones to leave back in the cabin in

Another cook-in? When????? I need a bit of notice, as I have to plan
my schedule way in advance...have to have it written into my contracts
for time off...
