Where's the Ice Cream/Good Humor Man?
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tert in seattle
Posts: n/a
>Before it got hot, say April, May, even June, I heard the tinkling bell and
>silly music from the ice cream man driving his truck around. Now that it's
>2 million degrees in the shade, where's the ice cream man, huh? Laying up
>on a beach with someone handing him fru-fru drinks with umbrellas in them?
>When you were a kid, what made you go running for the ice cream truck? If I
>could get a quarter from my mom I went for a Nutty Buddie - sugar cone,
>vanilla ice cream, chocolate and nuts on top. (Wasn't someone looking for
>that magic chocolate topping here recently?) If I could only get a dime I
>went for a grape twin-pop popsicle or a fudgesicle. Never cared for those
>weird orange push-up things or orange with a cream center. What was yours?
One time the Schwann Man had parked right in front of the spot where a
friend and I were playing. While he was making his delivery we got the
smart idea to sit on the ample rear bumper thingy - where he wouldn't be
able see us - and get a free ride once he went on his way again. Well we
weren't smart enough to realize the driver has a mirror that allows him
to see behind the truck. Suddenly there he was looking pretty angry and
before we could think quick enough to scram he proceeded to yank us off
the truck and smack our butts good! heh, the good old days
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