On Mon, 15 Aug 2005 23:43:53 -0500, Alan S > wrote:
> It would seem to me that very thin strips would be important so the
> vinegar
> has some time to permeate the meat (which brings up and interesting thing
> about marinades being pointless (according to the guy that was trying to
> sell some book on NPR one afternoon) but I digress, I'll save that one
> for
> another thread) and I am curious about whether or not the temp of the
> sliced
> strips ever makes it up to 180 degrees. You said " Grill the meat strips
> over mesquite wood for 1 to 2 minutes per side". I am assuming that is a
> hot
> fire like a hibachi or something? I want to try this one.
Actually, I have never really timed it. Times given in recipes when it
comes to grilling times I do not pay much attention to. I mostly use my
experience with the meat and equipment used when it comes to these things.
However, 1 to 2 minutes seems to be close to what I have been doing. I use
hot (but not searing) temperature for this since the strips easily burn
being thin. The meat should be fully cooked through. I burn mesquite
chunks down to coals on my ECB when doing this recipe (of course used as a
grill in this case). Any charcoal grill will do I guess as long as you are
able to get quite close to the fire.
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