Hi Lara
I have been drinking Pu Erh tea for about 7 years. It was recommended
to me by a Tai Chi instructor as it apparantly helps with Chi Kung
energy cultivation. I later found out that it has many other health
benefits than that.
After 7 years I am certain it is the shit hot tippety tip top tea to
beat all others. Most people find it unpleasant to begin with and
certainly it does taste of compost mixed with urine. But there is no
doubt that its acquired taste will soon refresh even the most
unsophisticated of pallates.
My friend once told me that he had been told that Pu Erh tea can be
smoked in a joint. Years later I found out that this was a lie. But
it was too late for me, I had already smoked this delightful leaf with
tobacco on several occasions. The experience is the same as that of
drinking tea but obviously the effect is quicker and stronger by this
method. In theory I suppose you could ground up the leaves and snort
them for maximum effect. This is likely to cause havoc with your lungs
though and is unlikely to be worth the effort.