Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> It has been hot as Hades; we've had two incredibly gorgeous days
> yesterday and today. I tend to not remember the weather - nothing I can
> do about it. . . On this list, the apricot and strawberry stuff were
> done about mid-June. I start in mid-May with the rhubarb stuff,
> followed by the strawberries, then raspberries, then stone fruits. Some
> of the fruit is frozen and I can work with it at will. I prefer to can
> in the evening or very early morning. The other day, I had a couple
> batches of somethings out of the water by 7:30 a.m. Color me Nuts.
Well, I'm glad to hear you were not doing this all in the
height of the heat. That would be just awful. I'm with you:
I like to do most things either in the early morning or in
the evening during the summer.
Jean B.