On Wed, 17 Aug 2005 09:47:59 -0500, Alan S > wrote:
> 1) I like very spicy food but the seeds from 10 chilipiquin peppers
> sounds
> pretty fiery - Is this extremely hot?
Yes, it's hot, but not extremely hot. I would test the peppers first.
Sometimes they are not so hot depending on when and where they are grown.
> 2) Have you ever tried this when it's as hot outside as it is now?
Yes, I have tried this in 90F+ weather.
> 3) 1 hour seems like a short time to marinade, have you tried it for
> longer?
Maybe a little longer, but not much.
> 4) Where did you get this recipe?
From the local Austin paper (Austin American Statesman) a couple of years
> Thanks
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