JP wrote:
> ceed wrote:
> >
> > Houston? My wife calls Houston "The armpit of Texas". She is a Texan so I
> > guess she's allowed to say stuff like that. I'm imported, so I just nod
> > 
> Well, you shouldn't. That's the typical ignorant comment made by
> someone who is either talking about a Houston from the 70's or 80's, or
> is referring to just the industrial east-side cities of Pasadena,
> Channelview, etc.... which are hardly representative of Houston as a
> whole. The Houston of today is quite nice... if it wasn't it wouldn't
> have gotten the SuperBowl or made the 2012 Olympic finalist cities.
Oh, FYI.... Texans outside of Houston are notoriously bad about
down-talking Houston. I'm a former Austinite so I know. Most of what
they say is wrong, wrong wrong. Last time I was back in Austin (which
now has traffic that's almost as bad as Houston's) a friend took
offense when I said I was enjoying living in Houston. I mentioned
something about downtown. He was totally clueless about downtown,
hadn't been here in at least a decade. Well -- don't knock what you
don't know!!!
The arts/culture here is way better, the restaurants are way better,
and there is more diversity and just generally more choices and more to
do. The only advantage IMO Austin has over Houston is outdoor