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On Wed, 17 Aug 2005 12:39:03 -0500, JP > wrote:

> ceed wrote:
>> Houston? My wife calls Houston "The armpit of Texas". She is a Texan so
>> I
>> guess she's allowed to say stuff like that. I'm imported, so I just nod

> Well, you shouldn't. That's the typical ignorant comment made by
> someone who is either talking about a Houston from the 70's or 80's, or
> is referring to just the industrial east-side cities of Pasadena,
> Channelview, etc.... which are hardly representative of Houston as a
> whole. The Houston of today is quite nice... if it wasn't it wouldn't
> have gotten the SuperBowl or made the 2012 Olympic finalist cities.

I know Houston quite well. I like the place except for the fact that it
usually is much more humid there than here in Austin. Being a Northern
European it has been hard enough getting used to the heat in Austin.
Combined with the humidity in Houston it would probably have been even
harder for me. The "armpit" term is pointing at the climate, not the city
as such. Also, I have found that it is wise to agree with my wife even if

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