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In article >,
Stu > wrote:
>Yesterday morning I had some major dental work done and have been
>relegated to eating "soft" foods. So far I've eaten soup, chilly and
>ice cream but am about starved as none of these are filling. Even
>eating a boiled potato is a chore. My dentist wants me to do this for
>one week. ARGH!

After getting all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled, I lived for two weeks
on The Ultimate Meal powder mixed into fruit juice or soy milk. I
didn't go hungry, and it took a lot longer than I expected to get
tired of it. I wanted "drinkable" food rather than chewable food
because I wanted to avoid getting anything jammed into the holes
until they healed sufficiently.

It's expensive but worth it. The best price I can find these days is on

Or you can buy it direct from the producer for mo

You can also sometimes find it at Whole Foods Markets. Vitamin Shoppe
also has some retail outlets that carry it.

-A [posted and emailed]