mikehende wrote:
> What I do, is to place burgers, hot dogs and regular beef, pork, fish and
> chicken on the gril, spread Barbecue sauce ob them a few times turning
> them over and when the meat is cooked, eat! I did not know that there is a
> difference between barbecueing and grilling. So, what I am doing, is this
> grilling or barbecueing?
What you describe is, for the purposes of this newsgroup, grilling.
Barbecue is a food, not a process. Most of us make barbecue on smokers,
some on grills and a few over a bed of coals. The major feature of
barbecue cooking is low temperatures and wood smoke. For a lot more
information on the topic go to:
I'm a contractor. If you want an opinion, I'll sell you one.
Which one do you want?