Dishwasher Safe?
in article , at
wrote on 2/3/04 7:57 PM:
> Does anybody have an opinion of whether it is OK to put bakelite in the
> dishwasher? I have an antique coffee pot that I use as my everyday coffee
> maker, and it has a bakelite handle. Will the detergent take the shine
> off the bakelite or otherwise harm it?
You just don't like handwashing cooking utensils, is that it???
No, I would not put Bakelite in the dishwasher any more than I would put
Calphalon pots and pans in the dishwasher, for the same reason.
How hard is it to wash out a coffee pot?????
Rinse it in hot water, swish the inside with a soapy sponge, rinse it again
in hot water..Done! It takes as long to do it as it does to describe it, and
you don't have to worry about the beautiful Bakelight handle getting ruined.
I don't understand something, maybe you can explain:
You spend time and money (even if it's not a lot of money, it's still money)
buying things you like, quality objects like Calphalon and wonderful antique
coffee pots with Bakelite handles...
And then you want to risk ruining them by putting them in the dishwasher.
The fact that you're asking here means you have an idea that it might get
ruined. Why would you risk it?
No matter how little or how much money something costs me, especially if
it's something old or relatively rare (by today's standards), if it's
something I like, I'm going to take care of it. And that means not putting
antique Bakelite (or china, or anodized pots) in the dishwasher! If it's
something you like, and it's important to you, it's worth hand-washing.