Ole Kvaal wrote:
> It may seem like I'm a bit sensitive to caffeine, so for a while I
> thought I'd try some decaff tea. Unless there is some recommendable
> commercial tea around, I guess I'll stick to the home-production water
> method. Are there any teas/sorts of tea that are better for this
> procedure than others, preferably green?
> (And just to make su the right procedure is 1) pour water 2) stir for
> 5 seconds 3)pour the water out and 4)fill with new water and let it
> steep the noramal time.)
I don't think there are any types of tea that decaffeinate
better than others. However, your stir time seems very short.
Other procedures I have read for this call for a 30 second
steep (no stiring). There are many green teas available that
are good for 2 or even 3 steepings, so even if you did a full
steep and threw it away, you should still be able to enjoy
some good teas. Note, however, that there will still be much
more caffeine left in a 2nd steep than there are in decaff
teas (which generally have < 1% by weight).
I occsionally drink Upton tea's decaff "China Green". It is
fairly good.