"Beach Runner" > wrote in message
. ..
> It is a step up the moral ladder to care about animal
> suffering.
many people do, fool. The problem is vegan wannabes here on
usenet only give lip-service to the idea. they pretend that just
by claiming they are vegan that that somehow translates into some
kind of action. They're delusion, ignorant, and totally spaced
out, kinda like you. btw, where's your data calculations on
water usage, hypocrite? Afraid to answer the question still,
> American vegetarians live longer. The Bone Density documents
> how vegetarian diets build stronger bones.
> Clearly, comparative anatomy shows us we are not designed
> structurally to eat meat. It played an adaptive role during
> the ice age for survival, but heavy meat eating kills. Meat
> putrefies in our digestive system. while carnivores intestines
> is n 3x versus 10 times the length of the trunk. We have
> enzymes to digest while chewing food. Chewing food is
> essential for nutrition.
> I accept corrections.
No, you don't...
US ignores them
Hey, what a coincidence, so do you, fool. Where's your water
calculations, hypocrite?
or dashes for other studies.
> Respond to his original URLS. He CAN'T.
> Bob
> I wish I would have done better. I'm lucky to be alive after
> my accident. Imagine being hit by a car going 90 mph and the
> nerves controlling my typing.