Spaghetti Squash
Emil Luca wrote:
> I like to cut the center core out of a head of cabbage and then slow boil
> the head removing leaves as the head cooks. I have asbestos hands but will
> use thongs to grab the stubborn leaves. I also like to use a knife to pare
> off the thick spine part of each leaf [I just thin it I do not remove it].
> This allows it to be folded easier and it will cook evenly.
I put the whole head on a mike-safe plate, cover loosely with cling
wrap and nuke it for about 10 minutes (your mike will likely work
somewhat differently). Let it rest for a few minutes and cook inside a
bit. Then do it again for a few minutes. Test with a paring knife. If
the knife goes in easily, it's done. Timing depends on the different
power levels in different mikes.
The leaves come off easily. I also thin that big spine on each leaf.