When butter is melted an dheated slowly- the milk solids burn off- and you
are left with Clarified Butter or the INDIAN GHEE. A single spoon in rice
can make wonders to the taste. Ghee works great in softening "HOT DISHES"
using red Chillies. Ghee helps the digestion process in small quantities. In
large quantities- it clogs the arteries.
"Katra" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> Miche > wrote:
> > In article >,
> > Katra > wrote:
> >
> > > Cannot argue with that,
> > > but I'd use pure butter before I'd use clarified butter...
> > >
> > > That stuff (clarified butter ir Ghee) is just nasty IMHO!
> >
> > Clarified butter is _much_ better for frying with than ordinary butter
> > -- the milk solids in butter burn at a relatively low temperature. 
> >
> > Miche
> Depends on what you are cooking and how quickly you mix it... I'll cook
> seafood fairly hot and fast, and sorry to disagree, but I find the milk
> solids are what give it the flavor!!! Clarified butter, to me at least,
> has no more flavor than corn oil!!!
> I'd use olive oil before Clarified butter (and usually do) as it gives
> more flavor IMHO.
> Ymmv. :-)
> K.
> --
> Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
> >,,<Cat's Haven Hobby >,,<
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