What is clarified butter
>"Surething" mentally masturbated:
>When butter is melted and heated slowly- the milk solids burn off- and you
>are left with Clarified Butter.
Milk solids are not burned off.
clarified butter
Also called drawn butter, this is unsalted butter that has been slowly melted,
thereby evaporating most of the water and separating the milk solids (which
sink to the bottom of the pan) from the golden liquid on the surface. After any
foam is skimmed off the top, the clear (clarified) butter is poured or skimmed
off the milky residue and used in cooking. Because the milk solids (which make
butter burn when used for frying) have been removed, clarified butter has a
higher smoke point than regular butter and therefore may be used to cook at
higher temperatures. Additionally, the lack of milk solids prevents clarified
butter from becoming rancid as quickly as regular butter. It also means that
the butter won't have as rich a flavor. Ghee is an East Indian form of highly
clarified butter.
Butter that has been slowly melted, thereby separating the milk solids (which
sink to the bottom of the pan) from the golden liquid on the surface. This form
of clarified butter is taken a step further by simmering it until all of the
moisture evaporates and the milk solids begin to brown, giving the resulting
butter a nutty, caramellike flavor and aroma. This extra step also gives ghee a
longer life and much higher smoke point than regular clarified butter. Because
the smoke point is raised to almost 375°F, ghee is practical for a variety of
sautéing and frying uses. Although it originated in India, the best
commercially available ghee comes from Holland, followed closely by products
from Scandinavia and Australia. It's quite expensive, but can be purchased in
Middle Eastern, Indian and some gourmet markets. Whereas ghee was once made
only with butter derived from water buffalo milk, today it can be made with any
unsalted butter. Making it at home is not a difficult task, and flavored ghees
are created by simply adding ingredients such as ginger, peppercorns or cumin
at the beginning of the clarifying process. Tightly wrapped ghee can be
refrigerated for up to 6 months and frozen up to a year.
© Copyright Barron's Educational Services, Inc. 1995
based on THE FOOD LOVER'S COMPANION, 2nd edition, by Sharon Tyler Herbst.
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