Recipe for Melon
In article >,
(TaraDanielle) wrote:
> does anyone know how to block a sender when using Google Groups? I
> read the whole FAQ, and it only seems possible to block curse words
> and photos.
> ?
> Tara Danielle
> Lurker, Teacher who cannot have crap like that popping up at school
Yeah. Get a real browser. ;-)
Sorry, could not resist...
I only used google for a short time when my own server lost it's
newsfeed. The broadband on Grandecom works much better than Century
every _dreamed_ of doing.
Seriously, I don't think it's possible to block on Google! Remember,
they are an ARCHIVE! So everything is going to be there... Might be a
sorting option, like, search by author but that is going to be a pain...
Or sort by date then catch up. My browser showed zero kills this
morning, so melon may have left the building. Or one can hope!
Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
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