OLD cast iron?
The Wolf > writes:
>"Michel Boucher" > opined:
>> Dans un moment de folie, "Bob Myers"
>> > écrivit:
>>If it has damaged the surface, I'd
>> just keep them as decorations.
>You know less about cookware than politics! And THAT is hard to believe.
>They will clean up fine.
Neither of yoose loud mouths know shit from shinola about politics, but here
Boucher is 100% correct (dumb luck) and you, Lobo douche bag, are 100%
There is absolutely no point in attempting to revive cast iron cookware that is
so badly rusted that removal of same will result in pitted splotches so deep
rendering the cookware totally useless for cooking... best used for pounding
some sense into both of yoose thick numbskulls.
Stick to what you think you know, fercocktah politics... neither of yoose
misfits know anything even remotely related to cooking.
---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."