In article >,
Priscilla Ballou > wrote:
> In article .com>,
> "Ann" > wrote:
> > Never heard about mad cow's disease? They're finding the same virus in
> > lamb too you know.
> > >
> > > Huh? You got something against roast lamb?
> I didn't know that, and I still don't, but I fail to see why that would
> make me not eat leg of lamb any more than the other made me stop eating
> roast beef.
> Priscilla
Ditto here. ;-)
I have not let the mad cow thing scare me away from beef.
What has slowed down my beef consumption was the damned prices. :-P
It's finally getting reasonable again. Just stocked up on top sirloin
for $2.99 and paid just a bit less for 96/4 ground beef.
I've been trying to eat more beef lately to bring my iron sat.% level
up. I'm not anemic, (yet) but my blood chemistries are showing a need
for more iron. My doctor told me to supplement, but I'd rather get Iron
from my food since it's not difficult.....
I'll run another level the end of this month and see if it's been enough.
If not, I'll just make myself start eating liver again. :-P
Any good recipes to disguise that stuff? I really, really am not overly
fond of beef liver.
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson