Thread: Feta Cheese?
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In article >,
"Sherry" > wrote:

> "OmManiPadmeOmelet" > wrote in message
> ...
> > What's the big deal about Feta Cheese?
> >
> > I bought some at the greek market the other day because someone on
> > had raved about it, and I find it rather salty and overly
> > rich. Sure not an eating cheese.
> >
> > What can I cook with it that would be low carb?
> >
> > That market was a fascinating place. Lots of stuff I was not familiar
> > with and they had a heck of an Olive bar. I'm not really up on Greek
> > cooking so may have to do some googling...

> I thought of you this morning when I took my daughter out for breakfast and
> had a delicious spinach-and-feta-cheese omelette .
> It is indeed very salty but I like it in small doses, stirred into soups or
> on top of salads - and now in omelettes!

Sounds like a very pleasant morning!

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