In article >,
sf > wrote:
> On Sat, 20 Aug 2005 07:39:27 -0500, OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> > IMHO dried powdered ginger is only good in baked items and I don't care
> > much for it that way either. I don't think there is ANY similarity in
> > the flavor of fresh vs. dried ginger root.
> I've often wondered about the "why" of that.
I'm not really sure... :-)
But with a few exceptions, fresh herbs just don't taste the same as
dried. Might have to do with loss of essential oils. Rosemary and sage
are the only two that don't seem to change much with drying, but I do
prefer to use fresh since I have it growing. Basil is another that
REALLY seems to change with drying. Tarragon too, and even thyme to a
certain extent.
I'll bet Pastorio can answer this one if he's reading this thread?
He's pretty good on the science of cooking.
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson