In article >,
"FOB" > wrote:
> When my kids were little I used to make "scrambled liver". I used flour in
> it but you could substitute or even go without. Cut liver into bite size
> pieces (dredge in flour), chop up some celery and onions. Cook all at high
> heat in fry pan in oil of choice till liver is sealed on outside. Pour in
> some beef broth to make a gravy. If you omit the flour you would probably
> want to add some guar or similar gum at this point. Especally good with
> lamb liver which is very mild but which I haven't seen for a long time
> though a butcher shop might have it or get it for you.
I could use unsweetened soy protein powder in place of the flour. It
actually works pretty well for stuff like this if you don't go too heavy
on it.
My favorite liver is rabbit liver but where am I going to get that? ;-)
Fresh deer liver is also excellent. Overall, fresh liver beats fresh
frozen hands down.
I've never had lamb liver! I've never even seen it for sale?
Fresh emu liver is also very good. When I have gotten them in the past,
I prefer to cook them within 24 hours of removing them from the bird.....
I s'pose if I could get really FRESH beef liver, it might be better!
Thanks for the above recipe! I'm going to have to try that. I keep
canned beef broth on hand.
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson